Archive | August, 2013

We Are Definately ‘Live’ now!

23 Aug

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post for those who don’t already know that is now up & running after a couple of false starts.

It will be easier for you to put the name of the shop into the browser bar at the top of your screen and this will take you straight through, have a look and see the new fabrics we have received.

We are also waiting on the new Stof Advent Calenders which I gather are being unloaded now so hopefully they will be here next week.

Don’t forget the email address isĀ

If you need any info or we can be of help just email or phone us and we shall do our best for you.

I shall be posting pictures of the 5 quilts that are available in this years Shop Hop all the details are being put on the blogĀ any day now so have a look at those and get ready to register.

Until next time

Happy Quilting


18 Aug

Hi Everyone,

Isn’t technology wonderful when it works!!

Unfortunately in Sawmillers case it hasn’t worked and whilst we have been working very hard with our web developers in Utah, USA it seems they are still having ‘issues!’

So a big thank you to all those who have emailed or phoned us regarding the ‘non event’ I have spoken with USA and it appears we shall be all go by Tuesday NZ time, but to save you all time I shall email or blog you once you are able to look at the fantastic products we have available.

Keep being patient and many thanks from Kevin, Bailey, Poppy and me and our thanks for your ongoing support and loyalty,

Until next time Happy Quilting

Sawmillers is ‘Live!’

13 Aug

Hi Everyone,

I woke this morning and the first thing I did was reach for my iPad to see if the online website we have been working on for the past 6 weeks was up and running, and lo and behold there it was

This is a new venture for Sawmillers and one we have been working towards since we first opened, I am sure there will be the usual teething troubles, but these will be overcome over the next few days.

If anyone has any queries just phone or email and we shall do our best to answer them, my daughter Samantha has already placed an online order which is very exciting, but as with all new things she had issues with currency conversion, so we shall get that sorted once our finance company in Utah is awake and at work in the morning.

So go through and have a look and see the new ranges we have available, and there is still more to come!! The Sunday demonstrations will be returning soon too, with new products for you to see.

I am now going into Victoria University to hear my son James give a talk.

So until next time,

Happy Quilting